Saturday, June 27, 2009

CDB history and info

CDB has been living golf since January of this year. We have played in all kinds of elements, from cold, windy, perfect, hot, and just recently a downpour (up until then, cdb had been rain proof). But we did always have rain gear (see glossary). We have played over 20 different courses this year, that would probably come close to 500 holes of golf...and it's just now July. We have gone from shooting in the 110 range to squeaking into the 80's. It's been a lot of fun and there is a lot of golf yet to be played.

CDB knows exactly what the other person should hit and can pretty much tell you exactly what is about to transpire. There is a definite pregame process that always takes place, we are a well oiled, efficient team. There is hardly a beer to be had on the course. Beer drinking and lolly gagging is now not desired and almost frowned upon. We are there for one reason.....improvement.

I look forward to posting more updates about our triumphs, our meltdowns, and everything in between.

Hit'em straight...

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